Friday, December 17, 2021

The Desert of the Blogger #00001 (Randomness & Catching Up)...

 First off, I MUST see this movie when it's released...

Everything Everywhere All At Once...


Second, I know it's been a few years since I've posted out here in the desert of the blogger. The Desert of the Blogger.  I think I just coined a new thing! I'm not on ANY social media anymore unless you count Goodreads or Tumblr & I rarely do anything on them. The internet is a vast wasteland of vapid images, videos & opinions presented as Absolute Facts--kinda like this blog post. Here's a vapid image I made recently:


Some quotes from my favorite philosopher of late, E.M. Cioran...

Bears a striking resemblance to the guy in Eraserhead no?


I think so anyway... 

That's all that's on my rotting mind for today. Maybe this will turn out to be a regular thing. Or maybe not. Don't forget to visit my comics/doodling blog... Perhaps I'll insert something there once in awhile as well...

Friday, December 29, 2017

Gibberish.... UHHHHHH....

Already growing tired of blogging again.  I'm pressing on with my comics but this end of it seems like a waste of my time. I don't want this blog to turn into a daily gripe session which is what happens whenever I start to write anything (& why I discontinued my old blog), be it here or in one of my many paper journals where I continually go on about depression, my shitty life, my lack of purpose or how I've wasted my life & accomplished nothing which I'm not sure why I'm concerned with because I abhor the capitalist society I live in & its insistence that one must accomplish things in life to be validated as being worthy--or something like that....

Heck with it. My solipsistic journey on the internet continues....

(Not sure when I wrote the above but just reread it & thought, hey, not bad, might as well post this. If nothing else it's an honest assessment of what I usually write whether on a blog or in a notebook--at least some of the time...)

Sunday, June 11, 2017

Comics From The Archives...

Nothing to blog about so I'll post old comics I made until something comes up... For more current stupidity, go here...

Monday, June 5, 2017

Old photos...

Nothing to vignette about today. More old photos.... This counts as my paragraph for today, by the way....

I think this is my dad's aunt in this old photo. I looks like one I scanned a few years ago for an old blog post. I'm too lazy to dig through my old photos to find out for sure...

I know for sure in this one is my grandma standing in front of the car, my dad on top & not sure who the other woman is....

Sunday, June 4, 2017

Random Mania...

Did some cleaning around the house. Turns out sandpaper is good for cleaning pee stains from around the toilet rim. 220 grit....

Did a tiny bid of weeding around the front porch (no pictures of it will follow)....

Watched Dr. Strange on Netflix. Pretty good movie with some good spiritual components. The word "multiverse" pops up in it a lot too which I was happy to hear....

I so thankful for spellcheck on today's electronic devices & computers. My spelling seems to be getting worse these past few years--or I'm not seeing the need to spell correctly & just wait for the dotted red line to let me know I've misspelled something. Actually I'm not as bad at spelling as I let on, just make a lot of typos--that's not really true either. Not sure about any of this really....

I've also been looking through my photo archives on Google; the pictures I posted in my old blogging days, one of which I will wrap up my current post with...

Until tomorrow...

Saturday, June 3, 2017

Vignette Gibberish ...

The other day at work I overheard a parent who was trying to take her child's picture telling him to "look at me & smile before I smack you...!

My neighbor's little puppy has grown into an angry, neglected pit-bull who barks & cries a lot. I wonder who will be the first to get bit when that dog eventually escapes...?  

So far June has been warm & sunny during the day, & cool overnight with low humidity during both times. The dog days are just around the corner though.... 

End of transmission...


Friday, June 2, 2017

Manic Gibberish #2: Not Fond Of Yardwork...

As a homeowner, yard work is one of the many responsibilities that the homeowner must take care of to keep the local authorities at bay. Mowing the lawn, not a big deal. Weeding, edging or other backbreaking labor to make a yard look like some manicured golf course should come under the heading of slave labor. Anyone who tells you they think gardening, IE, weeding is some nice, meditative task has never spent a long hot summer doing commercial landscaping. That cured me of any illusions that I wanted to "garden" for a living.  Maybe there are some who in spite of spending a summer (or perhaps many summers) doing back-breaking labor (in rich people's yards) still find gardening a calming & meditative practice, but I ain't one of them...
Some weedy, overgrown mint slowly taking over my dilapidated fence.
I someday would like to move to the desert...