Friday, December 29, 2017

Gibberish.... UHHHHHH....

Already growing tired of blogging again.  I'm pressing on with my comics but this end of it seems like a waste of my time. I don't want this blog to turn into a daily gripe session which is what happens whenever I start to write anything (& why I discontinued my old blog), be it here or in one of my many paper journals where I continually go on about depression, my shitty life, my lack of purpose or how I've wasted my life & accomplished nothing which I'm not sure why I'm concerned with because I abhor the capitalist society I live in & its insistence that one must accomplish things in life to be validated as being worthy--or something like that....

Heck with it. My solipsistic journey on the internet continues....

(Not sure when I wrote the above but just reread it & thought, hey, not bad, might as well post this. If nothing else it's an honest assessment of what I usually write whether on a blog or in a notebook--at least some of the time...)

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